Our Next Placement Call

Monday, August 10th
As I am writing this I am resting on the couch fresh from a dental procedure which ended up being a little bit more of morning adventure because the car battery died while I was in the office.  It became a huge ordeal to get a jump start since I didn't carry my cables in that particular vehicle. I actually keep them in my wife's car as she is the one most likely to need them. The lesson I learned is to buy a set for every car. We finally got that situation resolved.  My worry was that the Novocaine would wear off before I could get my pain medication filled.

While at the pharmacy getting medicine filled we got the call. It seems every time I have a dental appointment that's when it happens and it is difficult to talk or ask questions.

Maybe God doesn't want me to talk, just listen. Well we proceeded to listen about this kiddo who is more in our age range than last time and the situation or circumstance that has lead to this call. It is now in our wheel house I think. He was removed from home because of a parent who abuses drugs, single parent. The current foster family just adopted 2 others and transitions are difficult for him and the current foster family is dealing with some other issues involving loss (I assume a close death in the family) and that just makes it more difficult for him. So for everyone's best interest they are searching for a new home. 

Although parental rights have not been terminated, which is what we are interested in because we want to adopt and also not have to worry about visits with the birth family which can be a trigger for traumatic behavior resulting in starting ground zero every time, they say that it is looking like they are headed in that direction. I asked several questions regarding behavior and medicine needs, school, likes and dislikes, and if he gets along with pets and younger children because of my nieces and nephews.

We are currently praying and thinking about this kiddo  however I asked our agency about the kiddos that we have been currently looking at because I don't really want to make a placement decision without knowing about these guys. Especially if we can take only one.

Hopefully we will know soon and be able too make a more informed decision and of course listen to Gods Will.

Just found out this morning (Tuesday, August 11th) as we were texting back and forth with the agency that they were able to find a home for him.  I am not going to lie, I was a little disappointed because I felt a little lead to this little guy but at the same time relieved because I know my wife was a little uncertain and cautious for this one.  We are both excited to get a new addition to our home but we also have to make sure it is a good fit that we BOTH can manage.  We continue to pray God's will in this and hope this guy does well.  Now, we wait for the next call.  


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